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Lynnwood, (Seattle) WA 98037 U.S.A.




Use the above e-mail address for all inquiries related to publishing, copyrights (fair quotation and usage), media interviews, speaking engagements, conferences, documentaries, expeditions, etc. 

For all kinds of questions and discussions, you can visit our Forum page.

However, if you wish to direct comments or questions regarding Prof. Santos’ theory on Atlantis to a specific associate they will only be answered on a time-available basis.

Please use one of the email links below to contact one of our associates:

Frank Joseph Hoff

President, Researcher, Lecturer, Former Understudy, and Business Agent to the late Prof. Arysio Santos.

Frank@AtlantisPublications.com (for business-related matters, questions & inquiries)

Frank@Atlan.org (for questions on Atlantis and inquiries with regards to our website)

Philipe Santos Araujo

Vice-President, Physicist, Researcher, and Information Scientist. Philipe is Prof. Arysio´s 1st grandson.

PhilSantos@AtlantisPublications.com (for business-related matters, questions & inquiries)

PhilSantos@Atlan.org (for questions on Atlantis and inquiries with regards to our website)

Evi Hoff

Secretary, Public Relations, Social Media & Communications Director.

Evi@AtlantisPublications.com (for business-related matters, questions & inquiries)

Evi@Atlan.org (social media and communications questions)

Comments or questions regarding Prof. Santos’ theory on Atlantis will only be answered on a time-available basis.