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Prof. Santos managed to publish only 2 books which correspond to roughly around 5% of his entire Research. We want to compile the definitive of his works and articles as new books and documents to be available here shortly.

 You can help us Fund this Restoring through our crowdfunding on the Research and Expedition Campaign page.

Featured Books

Featured Books

Language: English

Author: Prof. Arysio N. dos Santos, Ph.D.

Where to buy: Amazon / Atlantis Publications

Short Description:

Prof. Arysio dos Santos was a highly regarded climatologist, geologist, and nuclear physicist. He was also a scholar of history, folklore, languages, and the occult. In this groundbreaking study of Atlantis, he draws on all these disciplines, as well as ancient maps, Plato’s dialogues, and folkloric narratives, to provide the most compelling case yet of the disappearance of an entire civilization. Professor Santos demonstrates that Plato’s dating of Atlantis’s disappearance in 11,600 BP (before present) precisely corresponds to the catastrophic end of the Pleistocene Ice Age, as well as a historic flood event of cataclysmic proportions.

Language: Portuguese / soon in English

Author: Prof. Arysio N. dos Santos, Ph.D.

Where to buy: This Book is Currently being edited and produced based on tha many articles the Prof. wrote. If you want to help check out our "Research and Expedition Campaign" page.

Short Description:

In Prof. Santo’s first book the author makes an In dept Analysis of a treatise of poems and figures, written by an Initiated author going by the alias of Lambspring. Declared as “true words being carried from immemorial times” this ancient book is decoded by the Prof. that manages to draw clear connections with the sequence of poems written, and the figures shown, and the old myths and symbol from antiquity.

Language: English

Author: Prof. Arysio N. dos Santos, Ph.D.

Where to buy: Book being edited, if you would like to help please visit our "Research and Expedition Campaign" page.

Short Description:

A widespread mistake of Atlantologists in general, and of the modern ones in particular, is to believe that Plato’s reference to the Pillars of Hercules as marking the position of Atlantis could only have meant the Strait of Gibraltar.

Language: English

Author: Prof. Arysio N. dos Santos, Ph.D.

Where to buy: Book being edited, if you would like to help please visit our "Research and Expedition Campaign" page.

Short Description:

In this compilation of written articles , Prof. Santos draws a connection between the essence of meaning around the Holy Grail and its rooted essence in the antique traditions derived from Atlantis.

Language: English

Author: Prof. Arysio N. dos Santos, Ph.D.

Where to buy: Book being edited, if you would like to help please visit our "Research and Expedition Campaign" page.

Short Description:

A great enigma surrounding the origin of Civilization is the fact that in all places – Egypt, Mesopotamia, Palestine, India, Pakistan, Europe, etc. – what is actually observed is not a slow, painful progress, but an abrupt discontinuity in passing from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic. In no place that we know of is there a gradual evolution of the type one should expect, with the type of painful trial and error process that characterizes seminal inventions of great import such as the invention of agriculture and the development of domestic plants and animals

Language: English

Author: Prof. Arysio N. dos Santos, Ph.D.

Where to buy: Book being edited, if you would like to help please visit our "Research and Expedition Campaign" page.

Short Description:

One compilation of considerations in linguistics that show one common culture which was Atlantis and its connection to the birth of mankind, which was precisely described by the tracks left in the history of languages. Here, Professor Arysio shows that all languages are connected and their common origin can be traced back to Atlantis. This is one astonishing proof that our ancestors were indeed from a divine culture, far superior to present-day history makes us figure.

And more to come…